Super Mom Myth Review and Giveaway! Plus Linkup
I’m “super” excited to do a book review on my bloggy friend, Becky Kopitzke’s first book, The Super Mom Myth that launched recently. If you’ve never visited Becky’s blog, Time Out, you should do that...
View ArticleResisting God because You Feel Pressured?
This week I’m tackling another way we let our spouses control us … “Resisting spiritual pursuits because your spouse is cramming them down your throat.” The spouse who has been pressured by his/her...
View ArticleHow Enabling Your Mate Controls ‘You’
I want to discuss one more way that our mates can sometimes control us … through the ever-tempting avenue of enabling them. The reason I say this is “tempting” is probably because I feel this draw as a...
View ArticleWhat Men Fear about Opening Up And Linkup
Today I want to continue to unpack the results of the “Men and Openness” survey by looking at question #5 … What do you feel you need to overcome in order to be better able to identify and share your...
View Article5 Signs of a ‘Grab-it Habit’
A lot of people, especially bloggers, choose one word or phrase to focus on for the year. I often do that, but don’t always talk about it. However, today I am briefly mentioning my one...
View ArticleMy Husband’s View on Spiritual Leadership
I’m excited to add a new installment to my “Pick Hubby’s Brain” video series this week. We’ve had some camera issues (and quite frankly, are still having some issues to iron out) but am happy to offer...
View ArticleThe Toxic Tango of Triggers And WW Linkup
Today I’m continuing to unpack more in our series about the wounds of our pasts by sharing another one of my triggers, as well as how that impacts and often serves to trigger my husband in a certain...
View ArticleHow Grief and Humility Sets You Free And WW Linkup
Early on in my marriage, when we were full-throttle in the messes of our own making, the last thing I wanted to do was admit my part in those messes. And the more I ran from taking responsibility and...
View ArticleBeing a Bossy-Pants Wife And WW Linkup
I find it amazing how every good gift that God gives can be taken and ruined—when given time and wrong motives—by us as humans. After all, a careful and wise use of control is what every good leader...
View ArticleMy Failure to Control Myself And WW Linkup
I find it funny (or sad—you pick!) that, not only can I have trouble with being too controlling with my hubby, but I can go to the other extreme and not be controlling enough—of at least myself! My...
View Article4 Tempting Reasons We Fill the Gap And Linkup!
After reading some of the comments from my last post on the bad habit of “filling the gap” or assuming what we think our spouse or others feel/think, I realized that a “map” of sorts would be helpful...
View ArticleEncourage Conversation with Disengaged Spouse FMTM
Even though my hubby’s more of an extrovert than I am, he still struggles to fully engage in a deep conversation with me. That’s because it’s easy for an extrovert to remain on the surface. Oh sure,...
View ArticleAre You Pushing or Encouraging Your Mate Spiritually?
Most of you know that I’m a pastor’s wife, but that doesn’t mean I’m not guilty of pushing my hubby spiritually when it seems like he’s not pursuing God with the same intensity as I am. Of course,...
View ArticleWhy I’m an ‘Avoider’ in My Marriage and FMTM
I’m what’s referred to as an “Avoider” in my “love-style.” I’ve also got a dash of “Vacillator” and a pinch of “Pleaser” in me as well. Even though it might sound like it, I’m not talking about a tasty...
View ArticleVacillator ‘Love Style’ in Marriage Plus FMTM Linkup
Should I post on the Vacillator today, or not? Um, sure . . . I think I will! No, wait a minute . . . definitely not! Well . . . maybe I should! Just a little sarcasm to get this “love style” train...
View ArticleThe Controller Love Style And FMTM Linkup
With Thanksgiving in the U.S. a day away, it seems appropriate to discuss the many shades of a Controller “love style!” We wouldn’t be able to get through a true Thanksgiving meal or celebration...
View Article5 Differences between Journaling and Prayer Journaling Plus Linkup
Last week I began a mini-series on prayer journaling that naturally sparked some conversation about journaling in the comments. Though journaling and prayer journaling are synonyms, I wanted to write a...
View ArticleVideo ‘Confessions of a Messy Mrs.’ on Pride
I’m excited to get back to vlogging with a new series that includes confessions from nine different “wives'” on how pride made their marriages messy or at least messier. Don’t worry all of you...
View ArticleHusbands Confess How Pride Made Their Marriage Messier
I’m excited to unveil the first of the Confession Videos where husbands answer the question: “What prideful attitude or action have you done in your marriage that has made it messier?” In my...
View ArticleVideo of Wives Confessing Bad Habits in Marriage
I’m excited to be back with another video chronicling the confessions of several wives on one or two bad habits they bring into their marriages. These are all from friends of mine who share openly...
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